Sunday, December 11, 2011

7 miler long run and fear

Today I read this:

"A life lived in fear is a life half-lived."
Tara Morice as Fran,from the movie "Strictly Ballroom"

I feel it's quite fitting! I never in my entire life thought I could run even one mile let alone the seven that I did today. I have always had so much fear around exercise and my body. Asking your body to be in motion for more than four hours straight? Kinda scary. Starting a training program with a book (the Non-Runner's Guide to Marathon Training) and your own space/time schedule? Kinda scary. Telling everyone you know you're running a marathon so that you hold yourself accountable? Scary. Doing something you've always dreamed of doing but never thought you could?

Best feeling ever.

And so I am facing my fears and feeling better about this every day. Some runs feel like mud but others feel so nice. And today? Seven miles feels so good! Seven miles is just over a quarter of a marathon and I'll be running the Lansing Marathon in four and a half months! I just know I can do this, I know I can face this big fear that I have about running, my body, and all that other stuff.

There's 132 days until this Race and I'm going to be ready!

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